A clean, traditional design with a simple icon and description, perfect for any content.
A stylish box with a border for a modern, sleek look, hover background image
A more colorful approach with a background color that matches your theme.
The PrimeKit Advanced Icon Box widget offers more than just stylish icon boxes— it gives you the power to create fully customized designs that fit your website’s aesthetic while conveying important information effectively. It’s an easy-to-use tool that enhances both the design and functionality of your site.
A layout that includes both a title and a description, ideal for explaining key features.
Engage visitors with a smooth hover animation when they interact with the icon box
A minimalistic design with a transparent background, allowing the site background to show through.
A design that adds a subtle shadow effect to create depth and stand out on the page.
Gain access to over 100 Widgets, Section Add-ons, and Global Features, along with 580+ beautifully crafted full-page and section templates. Unlock the power of PrimeKit Addons today and begin creating extraordinary websites!