
Video Testimonial Widget for Elementor

Build Trust and Boost Engagement With the Elementor Video Testimonial Widget. Showcase Customer Feedback Through Engaging Video Testimonials and Strengthen Your Brand’s Credibility.

Key Features

Key Features of Video Testimonial

Dynamic Styling & Layout

Seamless Video Integration

Customizable Design

Customizable Thumbnails

Play Button Styles

Mobile-Friendly Design

Autoplay & Loop Options

Lightbox Popup Customize

How It Works

Watch The Video How It Works in Action


Frequently asked questions

Is the widget responsive on all devices?

Absolutely! The widget is fully responsive and ensures a seamless viewing experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Yes, you can customize the play button style, color, size, and the video thumbnail to match your brand identity.
Yes, you can enable autoplay for videos or choose to play them manually when clicked.
Yes, the widget offers both carousel and grid layouts, allowing you to choose the best display style for your testimonials.
Yes, you can enable the lightbox feature, which allows videos to open in a popup for an immersive viewing experience.
Yes, you can set the number of testimonials displayed per row and adjust their alignment as needed.
Yes, you have full control over colors, fonts, spacing, and layout customization to match your website’s design.
No, the widget is optimized for performance and loads efficiently without affecting website speed.

Elevate Your Elementor Website

Gain access to over 100 Widgets, Section Add-ons, and Global Features, along with 580+ beautifully crafted full-page and section templates. Unlock the power of PrimeKit Addons today and begin creating extraordinary websites!

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